Let's talk about... Refining bracelet design


Just a quick post today - since last time I was working mainly on refining design of link, getting scale, and size right, making sure pattern is fine and working on joining wire. I printed a lot of models on Up! - some better some not as good, but as it's all part of the process, so far I'm very happy with my progress. Some visuals of my work below.

 So far so good. At the moment I've sent an email to casting company, to check if design is all good to go - I might need to incorporate sprue into design if charge far that would be too much, maybe get model from better quality printer? Also I need to decide on setting I want, although I've been thinking that it link will be cast without it and setting added afterwards - it makes it more commercial, because customer might not want the stone, or have them only in few links...
I might get my laser engraved ring back on Monday, and that would mean that I will be all set to show you series of tasks I had to complete using laser technology. 

So stay tuned in and golden!

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