Let's talk about... Design in context - development work


These past 2 weeks were very busy - one would think that after finishing CAD skills project and just before Christmas Design in context would be a nice and easy project to finish off year, but it seems like hard work just started. Finally, we get a chance at more hands on approach - designing in CAD is big part of it, but at the end of the project we are to be left with finished product or prototype. It's introduction to various laser technologies available - laser cutting, laser engraving, laser welding, direct metal sintering (done with laser). I will talk about these technologies in more detail, hopefully in one of my next posts. For today, some development work for my piece.


Observational Studies 

CAD Experimentation - Rhino, T-splines and ArtCam

Drawings - further development

That's it for today.

Stay golden!

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