Let's talk about...Kinetic Jewellery


A bit of something different today - kinetic jewellery. Seeing how I need to design something with mobile/moving/moveable elements for Goldsmiths Competition, I thought that kinetic jewellery would be interesting to look into. So there will be a lot of images in this post with links to the websites of respective creators.

Kinetic jewellery is characterized by motion or movement.
Kinetic jewellery always has elements which move;  I've also included jewellery, which you can assemble together in the post, because I view it as having moveable elements.

Starting off with man of the hour - Friedrich Becker - creator of kinetic jewellery and objects, internationally renowned goldsmith who made a major contribution to the art of golsmithing. His work is absolutely brilliant - pictures don't do it justice - you have to see his pieces in motion to fully understand just how creative he was. If you ever have opportunity to see his work in real life - take it; if you know you won't have that chance, but  are still interested, then watch short video I found on YouTube below.

Michael Berger was a student of Becker. He followed in his mentor's footsteps by designing and creating jewellery just as daring and full of movement!

To take a short break - a bit more playful outlook at usage of movement and mobile elements in jewellery...

             Although Movember is still about a month away, check out this ingenious ring!

This UK based Korean jeweller takes assembling jewellery to whole new level!

Danielle created a very broad range of kinetic jewellery pieces - extending even to pendants, necklaces and bracelets!

Appropriately named Kinekt Design company designed this wonderful set of ring and necklace. It's simple, it's effective and most importantly - it moves!

I love Karen's work and her playful Dutch house ring!

Some people like to play around with jewellery - Tom Rucker's kinetic rings allow you to do just that - simply change position of the sphere to one side, or maybe on the other it would look better?

They say to leave the best for last, and pieces created by this artist are some of the most cleverly crafted I've seen. Definitely check out website to see other pieces including Robot ring!

That's all for this kinetic jewellery post. I hope you enjoyed it.

Stay golden!!!

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