Let's talk about...Inspiring September Friday - Ornella Ianuzzi


Let’s shake today’s post for Inspiring September Friday with some female energy – I present to you Ornella Ianuzzi!

This accomplished London-based jewellery artist creates mainly one-of-a-kind pieces of high-end jewellery.

 Her work is inspired by nature – but among other nature–inspired pieces, hers definitely stand out. Her jewellery while certainly beautiful, is raw – it’s not a beauty of a delicate flower – this is nature raw, coral and rock and weathering processes, eruptions and crystalline rock forms. Her use of colour, precious materials and highly detailed textures is combined to form bold, powerful and distinctive pieces of artwork.

                                     Visit Ornella's website to see more of her jewellery!

                                                               Stay golden!!!


The images and jewellery designs featured in this post are rightful property of their owners and are used purely for educational purposes.

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